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Salisbury School of Music Adds Self-Publishing Class To Roster

By February 1, 2011No Comments

Marc Hoffman to share what he has learned about book, music publishing.

February 1, 2010 (SALISBURY, NC) – As increasingly fewer traditional publishing houses are willing to work with unknown authors, more writers — and musicians — are self-publishing their work.

One of those writers/musicians is Marc Hoffman, founder and artistic director of the Salisbury School of Music. Through his own label, Virillion Music, Hoffman has published CDs, scores of sheet music, and, most recently, the first of a series of children’s books based on his original music, entitled Sleep, Little Child.

Registration has begun for a special series of classes at the Salisbury School of Music on the process of self-publishing both music and books. The course, which begins Monday, March 7th at 7:00 PM, will cover all aspects of the process from selecting a format for a book and finding an illustrator, to Library of Congress registration and bar codes.

“Having successfully self-published a book and nearly 100 instrumental pieces and songs, I know that I can make this process much easier for others,” he said. “Starting from scratch is difficult. Getting the information from someone who is always self-publishing is a much easier path.”

His goal is to make sure class participants clearly understand the process, pitfalls and rewards of self-publishing versus seeking an outside publisher.

“From time to time, we offer special classes at the school,” he noted. “With Sleep, Little Child published and available now, this is the perfect time to share my experiences with others.”

For more information on the self-publishing class at the Salisbury School of Music, contact Marc Hoffman at or call 704-633-8188.

For more information on all classes offered at the school, visit

About the Salisbury School of Music:

The Salisbury School of Music offers private and group instruction in vocal and instrumental music for all ages, and classes in a variety of music topics. All classes emphasize music theory along with technique in order to develop the “whole” musician. All instructors are professional musicians and experienced teachers, most with advanced degrees in music. The music school also encourages student teachers and usually places them with beginning students. The studio is located on the second floor of the historic Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main Street, in Salisbury, NC 28144. For more information:

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