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Background for Bigfoot: NC Composer Creates Music Bed for Unusual Website

By March 11, 2010No Comments

March 11, 2010 (CHARLOTTE, NC) – North Carolina composer and musician Marc Hoffman has arranged and orchestrated the music bed for an unusual website devoted to Sasquatch – or Bigfoot – explorations and research.

The music bed is for the home page of, the website of Bigfoot researcher Michael Greene. Greene, who holds a Master’s degree in Behavioral Psychology and is a court-qualified Questioned Documents Examiner, has spent the past 20 years on Bigfoot-oriented explorations from Bella Coola, British Columbia to the Everglades of Florida and in North Carolina. He is a member of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

Going for “intriguing rather than scary, with an element of mystery reflecting mankind’s enduring curiosity about Bigfoot,” Hoffman utilized a string orchestra and added a pan flute “to represent nature.”

Almost immediately apparent after landing on the site is also Hoffman’s use of a Bell Tree. “Bells have been used as a ‘calling’ device for centuries,” he said. “I thought using bells here signified the researcher’s method’s in ‘calling’ for Bigfoot.”

Near the end of the piece, “Bigfoot” howls in the background. To create that effect, Hoffman had Greene’s young grandson, Evan Racz, howl, then he manipulated the audio file to get the effect.

An analog synthesizer pad provides a sustained chord for the bed that creates an ethereal, “otherworldly” effect.

Hoffman also arranged and wrote the intro for a song on the site, a recording of “The Sasquatch Song,” sung by Katelyn Racz with melody and lyrics by Greene’s wife, Carol.

Hoffman wrote and recorded the website’s background music two months ago, but it was only recently added to the site.

“It was great fun working on this project,” Hoffman said. “Michael is fascinating and I have enjoyed getting to know him and his work.”

The word “Bushloper” is from the French courier de bois, the name the English gave to Frenchmen who lived with Native Americans and led parties against the British during the French and Indian War.

To hear Hoffman’s music bed – and to learn more about Mike Greene’s research — visit

For more information on Marc Hoffman, go to

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