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Lake Norman Orchestra To Perform "Homeland" by Marc Hoffman

By February 27, 2010No Comments

February 27, 2010 (SALISBURY, NC) – The Lake Norman Orchestra, under the direction of Eduardo Cedeno, will perform “Homeland,” an original piece by Salisbury, NC, composer Marc Hoffman, on Saturday, March 13, in the Mack Gray Auditorium in Statesville, NC. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m.

According to Hoffman, “Homeland” expresses his feelings about growing up in Salisbury. “Having been born and raised in a small town, I came to know the simple strength and sense of well-being often found in that environment,” he said. “In ‘Homeland,’ it was my intention to present these feelings in musical terms.”

The Salisbury Symphony originally commissioned the piece in 1987.

“I wrote ‘Homeland’ over the course of a month,” Hoffman noted. “I was working on a commission for the Baylor University Concert Band at the same time.”

The Salisbury Symphony first performed “Homeland” in May of 1987, then reprised it in 1992. This will be the first time the Lake Norman Orchestra’s has performed Hoffman’s piece.

“I am delighted to have a performance of this piece so close to home, and grateful to Maestro Cedeno for including Homeland on the concert.”

The orchestra will also perform “The Typewriter” by Leroy Anderson, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” “Music from Gladiator,” and “The Sound of Music.”

Lake Norman Orchestra is a non-profit, all-volunteer, community-based musical arts organization headquartered in Mooresville, NC, in the South Iredell region of the greater Lake Norman area. Performing in association with the Iredell Concert Association’s, the March 13 concert will conclude the Association’s 2009-2010 concert series.

For ticket information, visit the orchestra’s website at

For more information on Marc Hoffman and his work, visit

About Marc Hoffman;

Composer/pianist/vocalist Marc Hoffman received his degree in composition from the North Carolina School of the Arts and studied film composition at USC. He also attended The Dartington International Summer School of Music in Devon, England. His composition teachers have included John Corigliano, Leo Arnaud, Neil Hefti, and Sherwood Shafffer. A member of BMI and the American Composer’s Forum, he is also founder and artistic director of the Salisbury School of Music. He lives in Salisbury with is wife, Anne, and their daughter August. For more information Marc Hoffman and his work, visit He is also available on Facebook.

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