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Local Author To Discuss The Art & Angst of Self-Publishing

By March 29, 2010No Comments

March 29, 2010 (SALISBURY, NC) — Music Composer-turned-author Marc Hoffman will appear at the Rowan Public Library in Salisbury, NC, on Tuesday, April 13, at 7 p.m., to discuss the process of self-publishing his first upcoming children’s book “Sleep, Little Child.” His appearance is part of the library’s National Library Week celebration.

“Sleep, Little Child” is based on a lullaby that Hoffman, a Salisbury native, wrote in 1999. He decided to turn it into a children’s book shortly after his daughter was born four years ago. And the long process began.

A key component for any children’s book is illustrations. Hoffman will discuss the process he went through to find the right illustrator for his book.

“I interviewed several qualified artists who didn’t have the time or were intimidated by the process,” he said recently. Finally, through an artist friend, he found Tony Waters, a published author and experienced illustrator of several successful children’s books.

Hoffman will then discuss his long search for the right publisher, and why he ultimately decided to self-publish his book rather than go through traditional book publishers.

“One of the main reasons I decided to publish the book myself was because an illustrator told me about his inability to get the rights back from a publisher of one of his titles when he wanted to do a second edition,” Hoffman said. “I knew then that I’d rather go through the process of self-publishing rather than lose the rights to my work.”

Once that decision was made, his next step was to find the right printer.

“I probably received samples from 20 printers before I found the right one for my book,” he said. He contracted with Asia Pacific Offset Printing, which publishes materials for the Smithsonian Institution.

“Sleep, Little Child” was supposed to be ready by National Library Week, but, as Hoffman will point out in his presentation, any self-publishing endeavor inevitably runs into a hitch or two along the way.

“You have to be prepared for delays and a host of other issues when you decide to publish your own book,” he said, “but in my view, it’s completely worth it.”

For the library presentation, Hoffman will allow participants to listen the CD of the lullaby that will be included in the book when it’s available. He’ll also take questions from the audience.

MySpace members can hear Hoffman’s recording of the lullaby, “Sleep, Little Child,” by going to and scrolling down at the Pop Out Player.

The American Library Association’s National Library Week is an annual celebration of the contributions of the nation’s libraries and librarians. All types of libraries – school, public, academic and special – participate. For more information on Rowan Public Library and its National Library Week activities, go to Click on “Government” then select Rowan Public Library under “Departments.”

For more information on Marc Hoffman, visit

About Marc Hoffman:

Composer/pianist/vocalist Marc Hoffman received his degree in composition from the North Carolina School of the Arts and studied film composition at USC. He also attended The Dartington International Summer School of Music in Devon, England. His composition teachers have included John Corigliano, Leo Arnaud, Neil Hefti, and Sherwood Shafffer. A member of BMI and the American Composer’s Forum, he is also founder and artistic director of the Salisbury School of Music. He lives in Salisbury with is wife, Anne, and their daughter August. For more information on Marc Hoffman and his work, visit He is also available on Facebook under Marc Hoffman Music, on MySpace, and on the Internet Movie Database (

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